
Foot Injuries

Foot Injuries services offered in Clarksville, Nashville and Erin, TN and Hopkinsville, KY

Millions of Americans visit the doctor about foot injuries each year. At Gateway Foot and Ankle Center, with locations in Clarksville, Nashville, and Erin, Tennessee, and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, the team of board-certified podiatrists provide same-day treatment of foot injuries, including fractures, sprains, and dislocated joints. To receive foot injury treatment today, call the nearest office or book online.

What are foot injuries?

Foot injuries occur because of trauma, like a car accident or dropping something heavy on your foot. Minor injuries typically respond to at-home treatments, like ice, rest, and elevation but if your symptoms continue or affect your mobility, it’s vital to seek professional help.

At Gateway Foot and Ankle Center, the team provides high-quality care for foot injuries. They can identify the source of your discomfort and make treatment recommendations.

What are some common foot injuries?

The team at Gateway Foot and Ankle Center diagnoses and treats various foot injuries, including:

  • Neuromas (nerve tumors)
  • Stress fractures
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Ankle sprains
  • Dislocated joints
  • Bunions
  • Achilles tendinitis

The podiatrists also treat sesamoiditis, an overuse injury characterized by pain in the ball of your foot.

When do foot injuries require treatment?

Make an appointment with the team at Gateway Foot and Ankle Center if you suffer a foot or ankle injury and it results in severe pain, swelling, or an inability to move your affected limb. That’s especially true if your symptoms occur alongside a fever, redness, or chills.

How are foot injuries diagnosed?

To diagnose a foot injury, your Gateway Foot and Ankle Center provider reviews your medical records and asks about the wound, including what you were doing when it occurred and the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Next, your provider completes an exam. They check your foot and ankle for swelling, redness, and bruising and gently press on your skin to identify sensitive areas. Your podiatrist also assesses your muscle strength, range of motion, and flexibility. Last, they order diagnostic imaging, like X-rays or an MRI to see if you have a fracture or a dislocated joint.

How are foot injuries treated?

Treatment of foot injuries depends on various things, including your age, the severity of your symptoms, and your general health. The team at Gateway Foot and Ankle Center typically recommends conservative treatments, like:

  • Ice
  • Rest
  • Elevation
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication
  • Custom orthotics
  • Wearing supportive shoes
  • Physical therapy
  • Casting or splinting
  • Using a mobility device, like crutches or a cane

If your injury doesn’t improve with conservative measures, the team might recommend surgery. Gateway Foot and Ankle Center performs both traditional and minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery.

To receive treatment for foot injuries, call the nearest Gateway Foot and Ankle Center office today or book online.